Gunmetal TV Easel
Because your television always has been and always will be a piece of art; technology worthy of love and praise, devotion, beer and chips. But now that we have such sleek and sexy flatscreens, you can actually display them for the artwork they are with Restoration Hardware’s Gunmetal TV Easel. If you still have a big-ass back on your TV, you need to be looking at televisions first. Join us here in the future, buddy. They’ve reworked the artist easel and built this stainless steel, aluminum and iron beauty with wooden knobs that let you adjust it from 79 ½” to 90” high and hold TVs up to 60”. If yours is bigger than that we may need to discuss what you’re compensating for… The angle of the base is adjustable too and locking wheels let you move it easily, which is good because it weighs almost 95 lbs. They say it’s also suitable for displaying artwork and mirrors, but we prefer to pay homage to the TV. Just think about how some movie scenes are going to look when your TV sits like a painting on an easel. We may just have to head over to some “specialty channels” to discover some ladies worthy of being works of art on our easel. With any luck, this could take all night.