Yoder Frontiersman Competition Smoker

yoder frontiersman competition smoker

What’s big and smoky and rolls all over? The incredible Frontiersman Competition Smoker from Yoder Smokers. Now, as much as we kind of wish their name was Yoda Smokers, these BBQ competition-grade, steel beauties are made in Yoder, Kansas. This particular model is made to meet the demands of competitive cooks and caterers alike. Hey, all you “caterers” in our audience, stand up now… yeah, we thought so. With an integrated heat management system that allows the “pit-master” perfect control across the huge 2,080 square inch cooking surface and a chamber design perfected by award-winning smoke masters, we’re drooling. You can really feed a crowd and since they put this thing on wheels, you can take the party anywhere. In fact, they say heads will turn when you roll it out of your trailer. No shit. But before you get too excited, not all of you are man enough to own one of these. Yoder Smokers has kind of an epic vibe going on. They are men of men and state that each Smoker is “forged from iron and sweat”. Check out the video on site. It looks like a trailer for a movie you’d want to go see. Best line: “In the heartland, the fires of ingenuity and craftsmanship still burn”. This is serious American pride stuff and they have a lot to be proud of here. 3,100 lbs of it to be exact, so bring your buns over here.