Amazon Dash
It’s not the size of your stick; it’s what you can do with it – and these 6 inches are capable of more than meets the eye. Amazon Dash is like having a magic grocery shopping wand at your fingertips. With a wave of your little stick, you have over half a million products at your beck and call. No trips to the store, no fighting over parking. It’s groceries in a hurry, and it’s so simple. When you notice you’re starting to run low on something, either scan its barcode or use the voice recorder. Connect to your computer or phone with wifi and load the list to your AmazonFresh account. The shopping is done! Most orders arrive the next day, right to your door. But you can also schedule your delivery for whenever is most convenient. Dash will even tell you product information when you hold your phone’s camera over nearly anything. Some things will even have video or audio clips launch when they’re scanned. Forget about trekking to the store, fighting lineups, and trying to remember what you even went there for. Scan it, load it, and let it come right to you. No matter how much of an unorganized imbecile you may be, you’ll always have your groceries done, so at least you’ll have the illusion of having it all together.