Prank Gift Boxes by Prank Pack

Prank GIft Boxes

As usual, you can count on us to help you maintain your reputation as an asshole with a heart of gold. You’re about to buy an empty box but trust us, Prank Packs are worth the price of admission. When all the sweet, touchy-feely goodness of gift-giving begins to make you reach for your flask, that’s when you lay your gift on them and brighten up your day. Because your actual present is disguised inside a ridiculous, but authentic-looking, fake gift box. Watch them try to smile and act excited about receiving gems like the “Turn and Churn” travel ice cream maker that installs in your wheel well and makes delicious ice cream as you drive. Or the “Bathe & Brew Shower Coffee Maker and Soap Dispenser” that will help cut her morning routine in half. Some people figure it out early, others don’t clue in until they open the box. Either way, it’s a hilarious prank and no one gets hurt. Aww, there’s that heart of gold showing.